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Why is Road And Track Being Negative Towards the MX-5 RF?

A self-proclaimed Mazda Miata fan who also works for Road and Track has picked apart the MX-5 RF.
Posted: June 16, 2017 - 4:58PM
Author: Tim Healey

His beef? That the car is too complex, which makes it not “Miata” enough.

What's the Beef?

More specifically, writer Travis Okulski, who says he’s a Mazda Miata owner himself as well as a huge fan of the car, complains that the available hardtop adds too much weight, and that with the top down, it has worse wind noise and buffeting than it should. He also says it’s too loud with the top up.

He also complains about the car’s top-up looks and that the flying buttresses don’t allow for a full top-down experience.

Okulski does concede that the RF is still better than most cars, but he’s concerned that it might provide enough of the comfort it promises, especially since most RF buyers will be looking to choose comfort over the more-pure driving experience of a softtop Miata.

Do You Agree?

Take a peek at Okulski’s musings here and see if you agree or not.

Whether you think he’s right or wrong, you can’t deny the current MX-5 is still a great car. He just thinks it’s much better as a soft top.