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3 Good Stories of Wrangler Owners Helping Other Jeepers

Jeep Wrangler owners can sometimes be Good Samaritans. 3 weeks ago I learned about these three stories of Wrangler owners helping other Jeepers. I thought Torque News readers would enjoy reading them.

About three weeks ago Torque News published this story of 3 good things Wrangler owners do with their Jeeps and I posted in Jeep groups on Facebook for discussion. Surprisingly other Jeepers shared their interesting stories that really touched me.

Here are 3 of them shared on Jeep Wrangler TJ / LJ Owner's Group on Facebook under my discussion, which I am sharing below to encourage more good behavior and more Good Samaritan actions in our world.

So I asked if most Jeep owners help one another and how they react hearing someone needing their help. Here are 3 good stories.

1. I have lug locks on my TJ. The local Jeep dealership didn't have the keys. I contacted multiple shops and dealerships and as they were high security so no lug removal kit would work. I was about to damage every hub to get these things off. A fellow Jeeper took these unicorn lug locks off trucks for his job and all the time sent me a key for them from across the country and and didn't even let me pay for shipping. He would say "just pay it forward." His good actions saved me hundreds of dollars and couldn't be happier to be a part of such a community. - Christian Esposito

2. I try to help when i can, wrote a Jeep Wrangler owner named Zachary. One time I saw a post about this guy who was stuck with a dead battery. I hopped in the Jeep and rode out to help him, got him running in no time. The guy literally said "I don't know what it is about you guys with Jeeps, but you all are always willing to help out."

3. "I had some guy walk up to me in a parking lot and ask for a jump," wrote a Jeeper named Steve. "There was literally 20 or more people around and he made a bee line for me. LOL. He knew who would help in a pinch. A jump start was all he needed to get home."

Speaking of help. Here is a short video of a Good Samaritan (though not a Jeep owner) helping a man who fainted on the road.

Have you been in a situation when either you have needed help and another driver helped you or someone needed help and you became the Good Samaritan for them? If yes, please share your stories in the comments section below for discussion. It may encourage good behavior in the world of those who read and share this story.

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Jose (not verified)    November 25, 2017 - 10:48PM

About 2 hours ago I stopped to give someone a jump on the side of the road. He thought I was part of the tow company he had called. When he found out I was just being a good Samaritan he rewarded me with 40 dollars. Let him follow me to walmart to pick up a new battery as well.