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January 2, 2013 News Topics

Good morning

David Herron    January 2, 2013 - 10:40AM

In reply to by Nicolas Zart

Well, I didn't try to spin it as a bargain .. but went over the balance between how do roads get paid for, and what's the best way to collect road use fees. I also went through the law that was approved and found some details ..

Perhaps we can link these articles together as they're somewhat different takes ..

Patrick Rall    January 2, 2013 - 4:48PM

an editorial piece looking at the likelihood that GM will give her a corvette at the super bowl. i think that it would be one of the dumbest marketing moves ever. im guessing that they will give the corvette to the MVP and just show it off at half time.

Aaron Turpen    January 2, 2013 - 10:33PM

In reply to by David Herron

$1 in budget cuts for ever $41 in raised taxes and $2,000 in increased taxes per year for the average family with near zero raise for anyone making over $250,000. All thanks to Reid and Pelosi. Gee, glad the green cars made out, but the rest of us got jacked.

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