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Jay Leno Reviews Tesla Model Y

In a recent episode of Jay Leno's Grage, Leno reviewed the Tesla Model Y and expressed his opinion about Model Y’s heat pump, performance, interior, and versatility.

You know seeing Jay Leno's review of Tesla Model Y I am glad to see Jay Leno's support for Tesla. This is the best marketing you can get. I really like hearing Jay Leno talk at length about Tesla being true American innovation. People are not going to dismiss him as easily as a paid shill.

People, also noticed how in his review of the Tesla Model Y Leno compared the switch from steam engines to gasoline, to the switch to renewables. Also, he has 20k miles on his Model S. For a man with such a large selection of vehicles to drive, he chooses the Model S a lot.

I was pretty impressed that he mentioned the heat pump/Octovalve; that's not something I'd expect but then I had to remember Leno loves all the unique things that come with any car (good or bad).

Overall, I think in this episode of Jay Leno’s Garage he did a really solid review of the Tesla Model Y. That Model Y really does look good in that garage. It will be awesome to see the Cybertruck reviewed by Jay Leno, although one of his recent episodes was dedicated to Cybertruck.

Overall, it’s nice to see an American car company that is so forward-looking. I am very glad that Tesla has an articulate, well-known, platformed advocate in mainstream-American, non-controversial car-loving motorhead Jay Leno.

Armen Hareyan is the founder and the Editor in Chief of Torque News. He founded in 2010, which since then has been publishing expert news and analysis about the automotive industry. He can be reached at Torque News Twitter, Facebok, Linkedin and Youtube.