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Dec 24 Topics

Holiday weekend is when most people are home and peruse the web.

Frank Sherosky    December 24, 2010 - 1:00PM

Since federal incentives were introduced in 2006, natural gas usage in vehicles has increased 25 percent each year, displacing more than 320 million gallons of gasoline. With the Middle Class Tax Relief Act of 2010, these incentives will continue. Natural Gas Vehicles for America even expects that rate to continue to grow.

Keith Griffin    December 24, 2010 - 2:31PM

Cobbled together the info from a couple of different websites. And, to comment on Frank's view, actually car sites like ours (based on what folks from LeftLane and Autoblog tell me) do best during the work day right before noon. Apparently, fans start hitting the sites right before or at lunch time.

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