Tesla's Annual Model S and X Deliveries Compared to Model 3 Pre-orders

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Model 3 pre-orders is a very tall order for Tesla. Look at this chart comparing Model S and X deliveries vs Model 3 pre-orders.

As you know, today is the date that Tesla Model 3 is officially being released. That's what Tesla SEO Elon Musk tweeted last Sunday and Tesla Pittsburgh already tweeted "birthday wishes" to Model 3, asking the world to pay close attention as "here they come," referring to Model 3.

However, we should note that Model 3 pre-orders is a very tall order for Tesla (TSLA). The company finds itself up against a huge challenge and tremendous responsibility. Tesla has so many Model 3 pre-oders that according to this estimate its revenue can skyrocket to $ 15.7 billion in two years.

Now let's see how many Model S and Model X vehicles has Tesla produced in the past 5 years and compare them to Model 3 pre-orders.

According to this chart from Statista, in 2012 Tesla has delivered 2,600 cars. in 2013 It has grown to 22,400 vehicles. In 2014 Tesla has sold 32,000 EVs and which has increased to 50,000 cars in 2015. Last year, the 2016 was Tesla's best year selling 76,000 vehicles. And now it faces the pre-orders of 400,000 or more Model 3 vehicles.

This is indeed a tall order for Tesla. Its CEO said the company hopes to reach 20,000 units per month in December. If the company succeeds Tesla will be able to make 240,000 Model 3 cars in 2017, unless it further grows the production exponentially.

Submitted by Andres (not verified) on July 7, 2017 - 10:36AM


The launch of Tesla Model 3 is going to be the largest consumer product launched. Is it bigger then iPhone? I think this day is going to change people's perspective on electric cars, especially in light of Volvo's recent announcement.