Tesla Semi Spotted in China Sparks Speculation About its Purpose and Competitors

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A recent video of what looks like a Tesla Semi, shared on Twitter by prominent Tesla blogger Ray4Tesla, has ignited excitement and speculation among Tesla enthusiasts and industry watchers alike.

The footage appears to show a vehicle resembling the Tesla Semi at a freeway rest area in China. While the sighting has generated buzz, it has also raised questions about Tesla's activities in the Chinese market and the potential competition it might face.

The video captured by Ray4Tesla showcases what seems to be a Tesla Semi knockoff, reportedly on its way to Xinjiang for summer testing. Notably, the vehicle is equipped with vision-based Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS), which adds another layer of intrigue to its purpose and capabilities.

Ray4Tesla's tweet raised interesting points about the origin and purpose of the vehicle. While the departure city is not Shanghai, where Tesla's Gigafactory is located, Ray4Tesla acknowledged the possibility of different origins and destinations for the vehicle. This has led to debates and speculation among Tesla enthusiasts and industry analysts.

One commenter suggested that the vehicle might be associated with Jianghuai Truck, the same manufacturer as NIO. However, this claim has yet to be verified.


The prospect of Tesla testing the Semi in China or even introducing it to the Chinese market has sparked excitement among Tesla fans, considering China's status as the world's largest automotive market.

It's worth noting that Tesla has been continuously expanding its presence in China, with the company achieving record sales of China-made vehicles in recent months. Moreover, Tesla's efforts to introduce innovative features such as Full Self-Driving (FSD) have also caught the attention of Chinese electric vehicle makers like Xpeng, who have launched their own semi-autonomous driving system in competition with Tesla's FSD Beta.

The presence of a potential Tesla Semi knockoff raises questions about competition in the electric truck market in China. As the country continues to embrace electric mobility, domestic manufacturers are increasingly focused on producing electric trucks, competing with both traditional truck makers and international players like Tesla.

While Tesla's vision of the Semi as a long-haul electric truck with a range of 500 miles has been highly anticipated, other Chinese manufacturers have been unveiling their own electric trucks designed for different purposes, including urban environments.

As of now, Tesla has not officially commented on the video, leaving enthusiasts and industry experts eagerly awaiting further details on the mysterious Tesla Semi sighting in China.

The recent sighting of a vehicle resembling the Tesla Semi in China has piqued the curiosity of Tesla enthusiasts and industry observers. Speculation about Tesla's intentions in the Chinese market and potential competitors has been fueled by the appearance of a Tesla Semi knockoff with ADAS features. As China continues to lead the world in electric vehicle adoption, the prospect of Tesla expanding its presence in the country's massive automotive market has generated excitement and anticipation. However, until Tesla provides official details about the sighting, the mystery remains unsolved.

Armen Hareyan is the founder and the Editor in Chief of Torque News. He founded TorqueNews.com in 2010, which since then has been publishing expert news and analysis about the automotive industry. He can be reached at Torque News TwitterFacebokLinkedin and Youtube.