Teslas in Tundra Time: Don't Let Winter Chill Your Electric Dreams

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Autoline has a Tesla point: the media is going ga-ga over problems charging EVs in bitter winter weather. But you never hear about these problems in Norway, Sweden, or Finland even though they have the highest per capita EV ownership in the world.

Remember those headlines trumpeting frozen Teslas and sluggish charging in the recent frost blast? It sure painted a bleak picture, making electric dreams turn into icy nightmares. But before you ditch your Tesla dreams and grab a gas-guzzler, hold on! Look north, to the land of fjords and frost, where Teslas roam free despite the icy grip of winter.

Norway, Finland, Sweden, and Iceland – these are the EV rockstars, boasting sky-high Tesla ownership rates even with sub-zero temperatures. They face the same chilly challenges as us, yet their electric rides still purr happily through snowdrifts. So, what's their secret sauce?

First, forget the "cold kills Tesla batteries" myth. Sure, they get a little less zippy in the cold, but it's not a total meltdown. The trick is simple: pre-heating. Plug in your Tesla at night, let it gently warm its battery on home electricity, and boom – you've got a happy, ready-to-roll Tesla in the morning. Norwegians swear by this, and it works like a charm.


Next, it's all about infrastructure. Imagine a world where Tesla chargers weren't scattered like snowflakes in a blizzard. Imagine a reliable network, as dependable as the Northern Lights. That's what the Nordics have built, turning charging anxieties into smooth sailing. Knowing you can plug in anywhere brings peace of mind, making Teslas winter allies, not frosty worries.



Finally, it's a cultural thing. In these Nordic lands, Teslas aren't just fancy toys, they're the new normal. Winter driving tips, Tesla whisperer communities, and even government incentives create a supportive environment where everyone understands living with EVs in the cold. It's not just about owning a Tesla, it's about knowing how to thrive with it, winter and all. By the way, speaking if knowing how to thrive with it, do not make these mistakes and ruin your Tesla.

So, instead of shivering at the thought of a cold Tesla, take a tip from your Nordic friends. Invest in charging networks, build a community of Tesla knowledge, and remember: a little adaptation goes a long way. Because let's face it, if Icelanders can conquer winter in Teslas, so can we!

Put away those gas cans and plug in. Your Tesla dreams don't have to melt with the snow. Winter may be here, but the electric future is bright, even in the coldest corners of the world. Let's embrace it, one pre-heated Tesla ride at a time.


Armen Hareyan is the founder and the Editor in Chief of Torque News. He founded TorqueNews.com in 2010, which since then has been publishing expert news and analysis about the automotive industry. He can be reached at Torque News TwitterFacebookLinkedin, and Youtube. He has more than a decade of expertise in the automotive industry with a special interest in Tesla and electric vehicles.

Submitted by jIM (not verified) on January 18, 2024 - 8:28AM


Great at home but what happens when it ists outside at work for 9 or 10 hours? Do you plug it in and steal power to keep batteries warm?