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Tesla Cybertruck ‘Shatter-Resistant’ Glass Undergoes Second Steel Ball Test, This Time by a New Owner

A new Cybertruck owner has put Tesla's claims about the Cybertruck’s “shatter-resistant” glass to the test. During his test, the Tesla owner throws a steel ball directly onto the Cybertruck’s windows using considerable force without the glass shattering.

One of the biggest product launch blunders in recent history happened when Tesla unveiled the Cybertruck back in 2019.

At the unveiling event, Tesla boasted about the Cybertruck’s “liquid metal” glass, sharing several pre-recorded and live demonstrations showcasing the glass’s strength.

This was all well and good; however, when Tesla’s chief designer Franz von Halzhausen threw a steel ball onto the Cybertruck’s windows to demonstrate how resilient it is, the windows broke.

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Also, a second ball thrown by Franz broke another window. Following this mishap, Elon Musk was forced to finish the Cybertruck unveiling event with a broken window behind him the whole time.

During the latest Cybertruck delivery event, Tesla once again made claims about the strength of the Cybertruck’s glass; however, this time, Tesla chose to be more cautious with the demonstration, having Franz only softly lob a baseball at the windows.

This was disappointing for people who were hoping Tesla would be able to right the 2019 Cybertruck unveiling blunder; however, given the unpredictability of working with glass, it’s understandable that Tesla was more cautious with the Cybertruck demonstration this time around.

Although understandable, this leaves the question of how strong the Cybertruck’s glass is. During the unveiling event, Tesla said that the Cybertruck’s glass can withstand a baseball thrown at 70 miles an hour.

Without any tests, this claim has stood for the last few months without a confirmation. However, lucky for us, a new Cybertruck owner put Tesla’s words about the Cybertruck’s “shatter resistant” glass to the test yesterday.

The TechRax YouTube channel shared a test video titled “What Happens if You Throw a Steel Ball at Tesla Cybertruck Window – Will it Crack?”

The YouTubers first start out by throwing a baseball onto the windows. As Tesla promised, the baseball, no matter how hard they threw it, doesn’t leave a mark on the Cybertruck’s windows.

After this test, the YouTubers bring out the big guns in the way of a solid stainless steel ball. The stainless steel ball is similar to the one Tesla’s Chief Designer threw back in 2019.

The YouTubers throw the steel ball three times onto the Cybertruck windows, increasing the intensity with each throw. The first two throws bounced off the Cybertruck’s windows without leaving a mark.

The third throw, which was the most powerful of all, created a loud banging noise; however, the glass remained intact, although a little scratch was visible.

It’s ballsy of YouTubers to put their brand new Cybertruck through this test, and we’re happy to see that in accordance with Tesla’s claims that the Cybertruck is able to withstand a steel ball thrown from a close distance.

Currently, the Cybertruck appears to offer shatter-resistant glass; however, we’ll be sure to keep you posted as more tests come out. Until then, make sure to visit our site, regularly for the latest updates.

So what do you think? Happy to see the Cybertruck can indeed withstand a stainless steel ball thrown from a close distance. Also, are you satisfied with the test, or do you wish to see a more thorough test of the Cybertruck’s windows? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Image: Courtesy of TechRax YouTube channel

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Tinsae Aregay has been following Tesla and The evolution of the EV space on a daily basis for several years. He covers everything about Tesla, from the cars to Elon Musk, the energy business, and autonomy. Follow Tinsae on Twitter at @TinsaeAregay for daily Tesla news.