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Why Coloradans Won’t Stop Asking this Couple, "Can I Buy Your Subaru Outback?"; Their Response is Legit!

These recent transplants from St Louis find out what the Subaru culture is like in Colorado. They keep hearing, “Can I buy your Subaru Outback?” Their response is legit!

The Subaru Outback is the number one selling car in the state of Colorado for a reason, and these new Denver residents are learning how in-demand a good used Outback wagon can be. In an article by KUSA in Denver, new transplants from St Louis, Katie Kline and her boyfriend Jonathan Weinberg, are finding out quickly what the Colorado lifestyle is all about.

They recently moved to Westminster, and own two Subarus. The 2002 Subaru Outback sits in the driveway, and the couple have been repeatedly asked if they want to sell their Outback wagon. It’s been an onslaught of people asking, and they had to put a sign in the car’s window saying, “"NOT FOR SALE. DON'T ASK AND LEAVE.”

Katie tells KUSA, "It started about a month-and-a-half ago. I had a guy knock on the door, and he didn't introduce himself. He just said, “Can I buy your Subaru outside for more than it's worth?” She looks at him, stunned, and says “no”, but the couple keeps getting offers and many notes have been left under the windshield wiper asking if they want to sell their Outback.

Katie isn't surprised, because she knows it’s not easy to get a good deal on a used Outback. The all-wheel drive vehicles hold their value better than most other cars on the road. Katie says, "I'm not going through another battle trying to find a good deal on another Subaru.”

Subaru rules the road in Colorado

It’s a fact that the Subaru Outback wagon is the number one-selling vehicle in the state. It’s because the vehicle comes with all-wheel-drive, the versatility of a hatchback and is perfect for the snowy and icy roads encountered by Colorado and Denver commuters. Subarus are also ideal vehicles for urban-adventurers who use their vehicle for weekend excursions to the mountains for hiking, biking, and skiing.

Just take a look at the state of Colorado where five of the top 10 selling cars are Subarus, with the Outback wagon and Forester SUV taking the top and second spots respectively. Outback and Forester are followed by the Legacy sedan (#5), Impreza compact (#6) and Crosstrek crossover at #10. These stats come from AAA Colorado's most recent list of the state's best-selling cars. More on Page 2.

Katie and Jonathan have found out the hard way, what the Subaru culture is like in Colorado. The Subaru Outback is the most popular vehicle in the state. She says, ”Most of that Midwest kind of, they don't understand the Subaru culture like they do out here.” Welcome to Denver, Katie and Jonathan.

Photo credit: KUSA


Robert (not verified)    February 12, 2017 - 10:49PM

My Jeep still outperforms the Subaru Outback. It has pulled many of Outbacks out of being stuck in snow. This is because the asymmetrical AWD is not good in snow over 6" and often leaves motorists stranded.