Ken Block Rolls Out His New Gymkhana Six with Lamborghinis, Segways and the Ford Fiesta

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This morning brought about the long awaited debut of Ken Block’s Gymkhana Six and while this newest video features all of the amazing tire shredding, high adrenaline driving of the previous five Gymkhana videos – Gymkhana Six takes a more traditional approach with the help of a crane, a couple Lamborghini Aventador coupes, a couple segways and a whole bunch of shipping containers.

The sport of Gymkhana Grid was essentially invented by Ken Block via his viral YouTube videos that depict him performing driving stunts that most of us could only dream of executing without serious damage to the vehicles in question. Based on the popularity of Block’s Gymkhana videos, the sport of Gymkhana Grid evolved to what it is today and the new Gymkhana Six video looks to further promote the sport with what is referred to as the greatest Gymkhana Grid course ever. Block used the streets of San Francisco for Gymkhana Five for some truly incredible high flying stunts but in Gymkhana Six – it is back to the Gymkhana routes.

While much of Gymkhana Six shows Ken Block and his Ford Fiesta rally car in what looks very much like an intricate Gymkhana Grid course, there are some extra elements that make this course unique from the course that we got to enjoy at the XGames earlier this year. Most notably, there are a pair of Lamborghini Aventador coupes that sport the police logos of the fictitious location of Need for Speed Rivals. This is the newest entry in the popular Need for Speed video game series and having served as an expert in the production of NFS Rivals, Ken Block tapped the NFS crew to borrow a couple Lambos for the filming of Gymkhana Six. It’s hard not to marvel at watching Block hoon his way around nearly a million dollars worth of Italian supercars as they are driving forward. Shortly after that, Block then runs into a pair of Need for Speed police officers on segways and we get an even bigger “wow moment” as Ken pilots his all wheel drive Fiesta around these two-wheeled cops – sliding around them within inches as the segways move forward slowly.

The rest of the 6 minute video is packed full of all of the amazing driving skills that Ken Block has become so well known for with plenty of jumps and obstacles including large balls that he effortless clips as he blows past. There is even a crane holding a large, spiked wrecking ball that is also moving side to side as the original Hoonigan does donuts around the jagged object. Finally, we get to see Block blast through a couple shipping containers that don’t seem wide enough to drive through – let alone blast through at high speeds.

Like all of Ken Block’s videos, Gymkhana Six is packed full of incredible sounds of the 650 horsepower Ford Fiesta in action with all of the roaring engine sounds and screeching tires that you can imagine so when watching Gymkhana Six – make sure to crank up your speakers for the full effect.

While Ken Block’s Gymkhana Six doesn’t feature the same level of public road hoonage as Gym5, I’m still loving the video that shows just how awesome Block is at doing his thing. What do you think of Gymkhana Six? Tell us in the comment section below!