Tesla's New Plan Includes a Special New Factory For 4680 Battery Production

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Today Tesla announced the location of its next two gigafactories in Nevada. The main news is that it's for the production of Tesla Semi, which most people thought was going to be produced at Giga Texas. However, Tesla's plan also includes a new factory for the production of 4680 battery cells, which is a significant leap forward by Tesla.

In its blog post announcement today, Tesla said: “We will be investing over $3.6 billion more to continue growing Gigafactory Nevada, adding 3,000 new team members and two new factories: a 100 GWh 4680 cell factory (with capacity to produce enough batteries for 2 million light duty vehicles annually), as well as our first high-volume Semi factory.”

Tesla's plan to build a new 100 GWh 4680 cell factory with the capacity to produce enough batteries for 2 million light-duty vehicles annually is a significant step forward for the company and the industry as a whole. The new factory will greatly increase Tesla's production capacity, allowing the company to produce more electric vehicles and meet the growing demand for sustainable transportation.

Additionally, the 4680 cells will be more energy-dense and cost-effective than previous battery cells, which will further drive down the cost of electric vehicles and make them more accessible to consumers. This move also highlights Tesla's commitment to investing in research and development to improve battery technology and reduce the environmental impact of electric vehicles.

Overall, Tesla's new factory is a positive development that will help accelerate the transition to a more sustainable transportation system.

The new factory and the 4680 batteries it will produce will play a crucial role in Tesla's future, enabling the company to produce more electric vehicles, reduce costs, and improve the overall performance of its vehicles.

The 4680 battery cells, which are named after their size (46mm x 80mm), are an important step forward in battery technology. They are larger, more energy-dense, and more cost-effective than previous battery cells, which will greatly reduce the cost of electric vehicles and make them more accessible to consumers. This will be a major advantage for Tesla, as it will enable the company to produce and sell more electric vehicles, increasing its market share and profits.

In addition, the 4680 batteries will also improve the performance of Tesla's vehicles. The larger and more energy-dense cells will enable Tesla to produce electric vehicles with longer ranges and faster charging times, which will be a major selling point for consumers. This will make Tesla's vehicles more competitive with traditional gasoline-powered vehicles, further increasing the appeal of electric vehicles.

The new factory will also play a crucial role in Tesla's future, as it will greatly increase the company's production capacity. This will allow Tesla to meet the growing demand for electric vehicles and further increase its market share. Additionally, the factory will be powered by renewable energy, which will reduce the environmental impact of Tesla's operations and align with the company's commitment to sustainability.

In conclusion, Tesla's 4680 batteries and the new factory are very important developments for the company and the industry as a whole. They will enable Tesla to produce more electric vehicles, reduce costs, and improve the performance of its vehicles, which will be a major advantage for the company as it continues to grow and expand its market share. Additionally, the factory will be powered by renewable energy, which aligns with Tesla's commitment to sustainability.

Armen Hareyan is the founder and the Editor in Chief of Torque News. He founded TorqueNews.com in 2010, which since then has been publishing expert news and analysis about the automotive industry. He can be reached at Torque News Twitter, Facebok, Linkedin and Youtube.