Car companies team to further 'Future of Transportation'

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About 10,000 professionals and politicians will meet in Orlando this fall to analyze and review future technologies and intelligent vehicles aimed at making transportation economically and environmentally better, safer and more convenient for everyday people.

The "Future of Transportation" event is the 18th World Congress on Intelligent Transportation Systems and among the intentions is to find ways to cut down on traffic costs, congestion and crashes.

The technologies that will be shown off at the World Congress Oct. 16-20 proffer solutions that organizers say will enable Americans to do more with less and to push U.S. transportation into a more modern state. The need for these solutions is acute, as gasoline prices soar unabated above $4 per gallon, roads and bridges continue to scream for repair and upkeep, and rainy-day funds that keep U.S. communities' finances in the black water dwindle.

Ford Motor Co., General Motors and Toyota in collaboration with the U.S. Department of Transportation will team to show off “Connected Vehicle” technologies that allow cars to avoid crashes by communicating with each other and roadway infrastructure. Other participants will be Honda, Hyundai, Kia, Mercedes-Benz, Nissan and Volkswagen Group of America.

Vehicles will use GPS (pictured), WiFi sensors and an FCC-approved short-range radio frequency to share safety information in real time. Drivers will receive safety warnings when there is a risk of a crash or hazard. The government estimates technologies that will be showcase in October could prove to prevent 81% of "unimpaired driver-related crashes."

Also shown off will be new technology that will reduce congestion and vehicle emissions and help commuters find efficient routes and alternate travel options. There also is a system aimed at improving emergency response times.

The World Congress is held every three years and offers more than 250 sessions on transportation technology and trends to professionals who can put them into action in their home communities.

The event will be hosted by the Intelligent Transportation Society of America, in collaboration with ERTICO-ITS Europe and ITS Asia Pacific, at a 350,000-square-foot exhibit hall in Orlando.

Hawke Fracassa writes about the auto industry for from Detroit. You can reach him at

Image source of GPS: Wikipedia

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