The Longest Nissan LEAF Can Go on Zero Miles According To LEAF Owners

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"How far can you go on zero miles," asked one Nissan LEAF owner in Ninssan LEAF Owners Group on Facebook? "I went 1.5 with air on, but I didn't get the turtle," writes Samuel. Here are few interesting insights from the current LEAF owners about the longest they have gone on Zero Miles.

Mine seems to disappear around 6%, writes Sam. "You can get around 4-5 miles if you really slow down." Another user, Amanda, says she gets about the same. To avoid Zero Miles situations you can download Apps that will tell you where the nearby charging stations are.

Sherri writes that she went about 7 before she got the turtle. "But I went from 3 miles in ECO to the flashing dashes," she adds.

"Have you passed very low battery warning yet? I thought it slightly restricted power at that point, which was still before turtle," writes Brian.

"7 miles, never went into limp," writes Michael and shares the picture of his Nissan LEAF's dashboard.

I don't know what will happen to your LEAF and how long it will go at Zero miles. However, going below 20-15% should happen very rarely. Otherwise, it will deplete your battery. You will be slowly kill the battery.

Also See: The Longest You Can Use Factory Tires and Brakes According to Chevy Volt Owners.