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This Tool Will Save You Thousands...and Your Skin

Here’s a minimalist tool recommendation for car owners who only want the bare minimum of tools in their car for repair emergencies.

Even if you are not driving an old car or truck, it pays to follow the Boy Scout motto by being prepared for an emergency when driving a new car. Aside from tools needed to fix a flat tire or those I’ve recommended to replace the cheap lug wrench and scissors jack provided in most cars, it is a good idea to have on hand some basic tools that include an assortment of wrenches, sockets, screwdrivers, and pliers. Plus duct tape.

Fortunately, places like Harbor Freight carry an affordable assortment of these tools in a small kit that takes up little space in the trunk or under a seat.

The Oddball Tools

Other than the basics (plus duct tape) there are those oddball tools that some small companies occasionally come up with that make a good accessory for your car’s emergency tool kit or box.

Tools that either are a Swiss Army style tool that does more than one job; or, those that improve the function of an existing tool. One example is a breaker bar wrench for sockets and nuts that need more torque than a person can muscle through without some help.

A New Wrench Extender

As it turns out, according to a recent Scotty Kilmer YouTube channel episode there is a breaker bar equivalent for wrenches called the “KNUCKLEBUDDY Wrench Extender” ― a novel tool that according to its maker, “…adds 10" to your existing wrench for maximum leverage. It's 15,30- & 180-degree angle feature allows you to loosen and tighten nuts and bolts in hard-to-reach areas.”

A true multipurpose tool it, “…attaches to wrenches from 3/8 to 1 inch and 10mm to 25m.”

While the KNUCKLEBUDDY design is novel, the concept is not. Before the creation of similar “wrench extenders” the shade tree mechanic relied on fitting the open end of one wrench into the box end of a working wrench to generate a little more torque for loosening a tough nut. While it will work in a pinch, it is not without some struggle as you have to keep the tools straight to prevent one from slipping off the other and skinning your knuckles.

To see how the KNUCKLEBUDDY works, here is a link to the Amazon site where you can buy one for $39 that has some images of one in use.

Scotty Recommended

For a favorable review of the KNUCKLEBUDDY Wrench Extender, here is what Scotty has to say about its usefulness and why he recommends it along of an assortment of other tools he finds useful that you might not have in your toolbox or car…but should.

This Tool Will Save You Thousands (This Saved My Car)

For additional articles related to tools, here are three for your consideration:

Timothy Boyer is an automotive reporter based in Cincinnati. Experienced with early car restorations, he regularly restores older vehicles with engine modifications for improved performance. Follow Tim on  “Zen and the Art of DIY Car Repair” website, the Zen Mechanic blog and on Twitter at @TimBoyerWrites  and Facebook for daily news and topics related to new and used cars and trucks.

COMING UP NEXT: The Truth About Car Maintenance, And What the Manufacturers Tell You

Image source: Deposit Photos