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Best Headlight Restoration Kit in 2024

Aging headlights can reduce your nighttime view to roughly 145 feet compared to 363 feet when new. These test results of 7 leading headlight restoration brands reveal one clear winner which DIY brand is the best.

The Cataracts of Cars

Like the human eye that suffers from a clouding of vision due to cataracts, your car’s headlights will eventually become cloudy, yellowed, or oxidized over time due to exposure to sunlight, weather, and other environmental factors. Restoring headlights not only improves the aesthetics of a vehicle but also enhances safety by improving visibility during night driving.

Basic Treatment for Cloudy Headlights

Fortunately, repairing your car’s cloudy headlights is a good example of a DIY task you can do that can save you money and be completed well within a single Saturday afternoon.

Typical steps involved in headlight restoration include:

  • Assessment: Begin by assessing the condition of the headlights to determine the extent of damage and the appropriate restoration method.
  • Cleaning: Clean the headlights thoroughly using automotive soap and water to remove any dirt, grime, and surface contaminants. Dry the headlights completely before proceeding.
  • Masking: Use masking tape to protect the surrounding areas of the headlight, such as the paint and trim, from damage during the restoration process.
  • Sanding: The next step involves sanding the surface of the headlight to remove the layer of oxidation and restore clarity. Start with a coarse grit sandpaper (e.g., 800 grit) and gradually progress to finer grits (e.g., 1000, 1500, 2000 grit) until the surface is smooth and free of imperfections. This process may be done by hand or with a power sander.
  • Polishing: Apply a plastic polish or specialized headlight restoration compound to the surface of the headlight. Use a clean, soft cloth or a polishing pad attached to a buffer to work the polish into the headlight in circular motions. This helps to remove any remaining haze and restore optical clarity.
  • Sealing/Protecting: To protect the headlights from future damage and oxidation, apply a UV-resistant sealant or clear coat specifically designed for automotive plastics. This helps to prolong the clarity and appearance of the headlights over time.
  • Final Inspection: After completing the restoration process, remove the masking tape and inspect the headlights for any missed areas or imperfections. Touch up as needed for a uniform finish.


It's important to note that headlight restoration kits are available commercially and typically include the necessary materials and instructions for the restoration process. However, severe damage or deep scratches may require professional intervention or even headlight replacement for optimal results. Regular maintenance and protection, such as applying a UV-resistant coating, can help prolong the clarity and longevity of restored headlights.

Not All Headlight Restoration Kits Are Equal

However, before embarking on a headlight restoration kit off the shelf from your local auto parts store be forewarned that not all kits perform equally well, and some can actually lead to poor results or even cause more damage.

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To help DIY-type car owners know which headlight restoration product you should choose, a recent Project Farm YouTube channel episode does the work for you by testing 7 brands under two different headlight conditioning tests to find out which brand is the best of the best to help provide you with the clear headlight finish you want for your car.

Spoiler Alert: In case you want to just skip down to the brand recommended, a spoiler alert summary is provided immediately after the video. However, it is recommended to eventually watch the video in its entirety as it provides instruction on the proper techniques to use whenever repairing your cloudy headlights.

Best Headlight Restoration Kit in 2024? Let’s Find Out!


Spoiler Alert Reveal

The No. 1 best headlight restoration kit brand is Sylvania ($22). The remaining brands ranked in decreasing performance and preference are:

#2. Cerakote ($17)

#3. A tie between 3M ($15) and Rain-X ($21)

#4. Rust-Oleum ($11)

#5. Armor All ($13)

#6. Meguiar’s ($22)

For additional articles related to DIY repairs for your car, here are three for your consideration:

Timothy Boyer is an automotive reporter based in Cincinnati. Experienced with early car restorations, he regularly restores older vehicles with engine modifications for improved performance. Follow Tim on  “Zen and the Art of DIY Car Repair” website, the Zen Mechanic blog and on Twitter at @TimBoyerWrites  and Facebook for daily news and topics related to new and used cars and trucks.

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Image source: Deposit Photos