New Year's Day Continues To Be Top Holiday for Stolen Cars

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Make a New Year’s resolution to protect your car from being stolen because New Year’s Day continues to be the most popular day of the year for stolen cars, according to the National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB).

The NICB ranks the major holidays for stolen cars and New Year’s Day continues to be the day when the most cars are stolen. The second most popular holiday for stealing cars is Memorial Day.

The holidays ranked by number of thefts reported to the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) in 2010 were:

1. New Year’s Day (2,347)
2. Memorial Day (2,122)
3. Halloween (2,064)
4. Labor Day (2,020)
5. New Year’s Eve (1,986)
6. Christmas Eve (1,928)
7. Independence Day (1,914)
8. President’s Day (1,903)
9. Valentine’s Day (1,745)
10. Thanksgiving (1,605)
11. Christmas Day (1,361)

It’s good to see that car thieving Scrooges take Christmas off. It’s also interesting to note that they appear to be romantics and stay with loved ones on Valentine’s Day. Apparently turkey makes them too sleepy to boost cars on Thanksgiving.

So, why is New Year’s Day the most popular holiday for stolen cars? It’s because it takes place right after New Year’s Eve. Revelers return to their cars after ringing in the New Year and discover broken glass where the car once stood. The report goes into the police and is dated Jan. 1.

Why is New Year’s Eve a popular time for stealing cars? Car thieves know they have until at least midnight to steal the cars without being bothered. They have the luxury of time on their side – not a luxury usually afforded them.

The good news in all of this is car thefts are down on the major holidays. For the 11 holidays reviewed in 2010, a total of 20,995 vehicles were reported stolen compared with a total of 22,991 reported for those same days in 2009, according to a press release sent to TorqueNews.

Car thieves aren’t just cutting down their crimes on the holidays. The NCIB reports that auto thefts are down for seven consecutive years. But, the group points out, that doesn’t mean owners can be less vigilant. There is always a black market for items obtained by theft, and vehicles remain popular theft targets.

Car break-ins continue to be problem, especially at this time of year when cars are loaded with holiday packages. The NCIB reminds drivers to be alert during the busy holiday season. That includes parking in well-lit areas, keeping packages in the trunk or out of sight, and making sure your vehicle is locked while it’s parked.

Heading out New Year’s Eve? Remember to park your car in a well-lit place to avoid becoming one of the revelers who find their cars stolen on New Year’s Day