Labor Day Weekend marks the end of the National Impaired Driving Crackdown Initiative

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Submitted by KC Kelly on September 5, 2011 - 10:47AM

Labor Day Weekend marks the end of summer the end of the National Impaired Driving Crackdown initiative. This major law enforcement crackdown runs this year from August 19, 2011 to September 5, 2011.

Labor Day celebrations across the country do not always end happily, but often in tragedy because of injuries and even deaths due to drunk driving. In general, each year nearly 11,000 people die on the road due to drunk driving. This is equivalent to 21 jumbo jets crashing each year.

In order to help decrease the number of drunk driving accidents and fatalities, police in every state and most towns and cities in the United States will be out in full force from mid-August through Labor Day looking out for drunk drivers. Police have very sneaky ways of seeing you on the road before you can see them, so the best advice is to stay sober if you plan to drive on this Labor Day.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration is leading this major effort to stop drunk driving on Labor day. The catch phrase they are using is, “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over.”

Shocking statistics brought to us by The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration may make you change your mind before getting on the roadways drunk. Between midnight and 3am, drunk driving crashes claim a life every 23 minutes. In one day the average number of injuries is 1,440. In one day, the average number of deaths is 29. Drunk driving costs each adult in the United States approximately $500 per year.

The sad reality is that 1 in 3 Americans will be involved in an alcohol-related crash in their lifetime. America has more drunk drivers than most countries have people and the only way to stop this tragic epidemic is to get involved. Every person counts to help keep our roadways safe.

In order to get involved in your community to help stop drunk driving on this Labor Day and every day of the year there are many things that you can do. Social media is a great way to spread the word. As you are wishing you friends a happy Labor Day, you can also remind them to stay sober or if they do decide to drink during the holiday – they should not drive. Share TV spots and commercials you may see on YouTube with your friends. Print posters about not drinking and driving and post them, with permission, where you think people will see them.

Lastly, on this Labor Day, make your own personal pledge and try to get as many of your friends to do the same. This sample personal pledge is brought to us by The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration: “I'm going to be smart; I won't drive while buzzed. Even just one too many drinks can impair my driving and lead to devastating consequences. It's just not worth it. Buzzed driving is drunk driving so I'm going to make sure I make responsible choices that don't endanger myself and others.”